
Monday, December 3, 2012

Day 3- Family Movie Night

Day three was by far the best day yet. It was fairly simple but turned out to be the most meaningful one yet. We put together a family movie night bucket that included popcorn, candy and a gift card for a movie.

We were going to give it out after Owen's basketball practice but it just didn't feel right so we got in the car and drove over to CVS. We got out of our car and waited at the entrance into CVS. Right away a man and his daughter came walking towards us and I stopped them and told them we would like to give them a family movie night on us. I explained how we were being intentional this month about thinking of others above ourselves and it would make us happy to treat them. The dad I think was a little taken aback by it. It is not always as simple as we think to really make people understand that you want to give them something for free. He finally seemed to understand and took the movie bucket and said " well God bless you". We only waited a minute longer before a mom and her daughter came by and I stopped them and the boys handed her the bucket. I told her the same as the man before her and she was extremely nice and so thankful to the boys and myself. As she walked off her daughter looked into the bucket and said look Mom as she was pulling stuff out. It was such a great feeling in that moment and my boys were smiling and really seemed to "get it". It touched this mommy's heart so so much.

Thank you Lord for allowing us the opportunity to be a light in this dark world. May today glorify you to the end of the earth.

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